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Your financial contribution will help us organize and host programs like the annual Prophetic Summit, annual 40-Day Prayer and Fasting for Alaska, Pastors’ Conferences, Unity Rallies, Apologetics Seminars, Corporate Evangelistic Meetings, Missionary Support for Village Evangelism, Media evangelism and the publication of Kingdom Perspectives Magazine.
Please pray along with us privately and or corporately. The success of this mandate weighs heavily on concerted spiritual warfare, intercession, and supplication.
There are opportunities for short-term as well as tent-making mission trips. You may also consider relocating to Alaska and volunteering your skills and giftings to help us accomplish this commission.
We need ambassadors who will mobilize others in their sphere of influence to support this divine mandate in the last frontier. We need ambassadors who will use their platforms outside Alaska to mobilize support from Christians, and churches outside Alaska to support Revive Alaska Outreach.